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Advanced Dermal Filler

Experienced practitioners can further qualify in providing advanced dermal fillers treatment.


I have attended numerous courses and continued education to offer the most up-to- date and advanced treatments, including:


• Non-Surgical Nose Augmentation

A good quality filler can be used in the bridge and tip of the nose to disguise a bump, lift a drooping nose and create a point to a round tip. This is often known as the the 15-minute nose job.


• Tear trough correction

This is often a big concern for many of their clients as they complain of looking “tired”. If you have hollowness under the eyes as a result of fat loss this can sometimes look like dark circles. Although we cannot treat pigmentation, replacing some of the volume lost in that area can make a noticeable difference.


• Chin, Cheek and Jaw line enhancement is also an option for people who would like more defined features.


All advanced procedures charged per area, please contact me for more information.



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